Yantra Designs

After many enjoyable hours designing these chakra yantra mandalas, I use them regularly as inspiration for my yoga practice. For prints, go to the Yantra gallery page at patricialeone.com.

First Chakra, the Root Chakra, foundation,
nourishment, sense of belonging
Manipura, 3rd Chakra,
ego and power
Vishuda, 5th Chakra, Throat Chakra,
truth and self-expression
Sahashrara, 7th Chakra,Crown Chakra,
connection to the Divine
Sri Yantra, the human body
and the cosmos
Seven Chakras banner
Svadhistana, 2nd Chakra, creativity
and sensuality
Anahata, 4th Chakra, Heart Chakra,
love and compassion
Ajna, 6th Chakra,
wisdom and intuition
Chinnamastra Yantra, the ferocious aspects
of the Mother goddess
Seven Chakras, Sri, and Chinamastra

Linen Chakra Hanging, same design as one on the left

12″ x 75; ONLY ONE LEFT, shipping included


Smaller version SOLD OUT

7.5″ x 23″ same design as larger one. SOLD OUT! .
